
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Are Men Being Left Behind - 1161 Words

In the book, Society: The Basics (13th Edition), author John J. Macionis, proposed the question, â€Å"Are Men being left behind?† The answer to that is no. Men, especially white men, have been proven to dominate over women. Women have many disadvantages in their lives than men, such as having less earnings than their male colleagues and being assaulted frequently. This controversy is an example of the social conflict approach for many reasons. It is a framework that studies society as social inequality based on class, gender, and race. According to Hill (2016), with attention to male dominance in the workforce, women working full time were paid just 79 percent of what men were paid. This caused a 21 percent wage gap between the two genders in 2014. The gap occurred since the 1970s, as the women started to be more involved in education and jobs. This, perhaps caused the men to feel inferior about themselves. So the only way they could feel powerful, is to raise their wages ag ainst the women. The wage gap appears less likely to recede over time. Conforming to Macionis (2014), â€Å"In any field, the greater a job’s income prestige, the more likely it is to be held by a man.† (p. 316). Macionis also stated that there is this invisible barrier blocking women’s careers all the time (p. 316). This is depressing to know that men will always have an upper-hand in jobs that keep women from pursuing high-paying jobs and having accomplishments. The type of work women are mostly hired in, isShow MoreRelatedAlexander the Great Conquest848 Words   |  4 PagesBringing his men and declaring that he was the ruler because of his strength and size, enabled him to conquer and gain power. Usurping other cultures with his own, Alexander forced them to adapt and take on his culture. He didnt intentionally spread his culture, he just did what he thought was right. 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